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New Students

Welcome Future Warriors!

Student registration is now online!

Please visit the following link for instructions on new student enrollment.

New Student Enrollment

Once we receive your online application with ALL necessary documents uploaded, we will use the email address provided in your online application to set up a new student appointment with your counselor.

New student appointments will not be made until all necessary documents are received.

We are excited to welcome you to our school and community.  Oconee County High School offers an array of academic, co-curricular and athletic opportunities. Please take the time to explore our website.

Thank you for your patience during this busy time.

Below are the forms and guidelines to assist you in registering your student. Please contact the counseling office if you have any questions. The following documentation is required at or before the registration appointment. A student will not be enrolled without all the documentation. Information from the previous school must be faxed to OCHS (706.310.2003) or provided in a sealed envelope.

Items needed from previous school:

  • Withdrawal form listing current courses and grades

  • Official Transcript

  • Attendance Record

  • Discipline Record or signed statement that no discipline record exists

  • IEP if student is served through the special education programs

Completed Registration forms needed:

  • Proof of Residency – Current utility bill showing a family in residence. If you have a signed lease or purchase contract, we will accept that on the condition you provide a utility bill within 30 days of enrollment. If you are leasing, a signed lease agreement with starting and ending dates must be provided along with the residency affidavit (listed below). A cell phone bill or driver's license is not a proof of residency.

  • Current Immunization Form

  • Social Security Card

  • Birth Certificate

  • If applicable, divorce, custody and/or guardianship information must be provided.