Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment Presentation from 1/30/25
Dual Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I am interested in Dual Enrollment, where should I start?
1. Compete the OCHS Dual Enrollment Application
2. Attend the Dual Enrollment Meeting during Warrior Period
3. Ensure that you have the appropriate application materials required for the college you are wanting to dual enroll at. (Test Scores, Transcript sent etc.)
4. Complete the Application for the College
5. If accepted, follow the instructions sent to you to set up any college emails, do Orientations, and meet with your college advisor to register for classes
6. Send an email to your OCHS counselor with your college classes and schedule, so they can adjust your OCHS schedule appropriately.
7. Fill out the GAFutures funding application and add the college you are dual enrolling at, so your counselor can fund your class.
Q: How many classes are funded through dual enrollment?
A: Students can take up to 30 credit hours or 45 quarter hours while they are in high school.
Q: What colleges do students dual enroll with?
Georgia Tech (Distance Calculus and Computer Science Program only)